Source code for pytac.load_csv

"""Module to load the elements of the machine from csv files.

The csv files are stored in one directory with specified names:

 * elements.csv
 * devices.csv
 * families.csv
 * unitconv.csv
 * uc_poly_data.csv
 * uc_pchip_data.csv

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import csv
import pytac
from pytac import lattice, element, device, model, units, utils
import collections

ELEMENTS_FILENAME = 'elements.csv'
DEVICES_FILENAME = 'devices.csv'
FAMILIES_FILENAME = 'families.csv'
UNITCONV_FILENAME = 'unitconv.csv'
POLY_FILENAME = 'uc_poly_data.csv'
PCHIP_FILENAME = 'uc_pchip_data.csv'

[docs]def get_div_rigidity(energy): rigidity = utils.rigidity(energy) def div_rigidity(input): return input / rigidity return div_rigidity
[docs]def get_mult_rigidity(energy): rigidity = utils.rigidity(energy) def mult_rigidity(input): return input * rigidity return mult_rigidity
[docs]def load_poly_unitconv(filename): """Load polynomial unit conversions from a csv file.""" unitconvs = {} data = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(filename) as poly: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(poly) for item in csv_reader: data[(int(item['uc_id']))].append((int(item['coeff']), float(item['val']))) # Create PolyUnitConv for each item and put in the dict for uc_id in data: u = units.PolyUnitConv([x[1] for x in reversed(sorted(data[uc_id]))]) unitconvs[uc_id] = u return unitconvs
[docs]def load_pchip_unitconv(filename): """Load pchip unit conversions from a csv file.""" unitconvs = {} data = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(filename) as pchip: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(pchip) for item in csv_reader: data[(int(item['uc_id']))].append((float(item['eng']), float(item['phy']))) # Create PchipUnitConv for each item and put in the dict for uc_id in data: eng = [x[0] for x in sorted(data[uc_id])] phy = [x[1] for x in sorted(data[uc_id])] u = units.PchipUnitConv(eng, phy) unitconvs[uc_id] = u return unitconvs
[docs]def load_unitconv(directory, mode, lattice): """Load the unit conversion objects from a file. Args: directory (str): The directory where the data is stored. mode (str): The name of the mode that is used. lattice(Lattice): The lattice object that will be used. """ unitconvs = {} # Assemble datasets from the polynomial file poly_file = os.path.join(directory, mode, POLY_FILENAME) unitconvs.update(load_poly_unitconv(poly_file)) # Assemble datasets from the pchip file pchip_file = os.path.join(directory, mode, PCHIP_FILENAME) unitconvs.update(load_pchip_unitconv(pchip_file)) # Add the unitconv objects to the elements with open(os.path.join(directory, mode, UNITCONV_FILENAME)) as unitconv: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(unitconv) for item in csv_reader: element = lattice[int(item['el_id']) - 1] # For certain magnet types, we need an additional rigidity # conversion factor as well as the raw conversion. if element.families.intersection(('HSTR', 'VSTR', 'QUAD', 'SEXT')): unitconvs[int(item['uc_id'])]._post_eng_to_phys = get_div_rigidity(lattice.get_energy()) unitconvs[int(item['uc_id'])]._pre_phys_to_eng = get_mult_rigidity(lattice.get_energy()) element._uc[item['field']] = unitconvs[int(item['uc_id'])]
[docs]def load(mode, control_system=None, directory=None): """Load the elements of a lattice from a directory. Args: mode (str): The name of the mode to be loaded. control_system (ControlSystem): The control system to be used. If none is provided an EpicsControlSystem will be created. directory (str): Directory where to load the files from. If no directory is given the data directory at the root of the repository is used. Returns: Lattice: The lattice containing all elements. """ try: if control_system is None: # Don't import epics unless we need it to avoid unnecessary # installation of cothread from pytac import epics control_system = epics.EpicsControlSystem() except ImportError: print(('To load a lattice using the default control system,' ' please install cothread.'), file=sys.stderr) return None if directory is None: directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data') lat = lattice.Lattice(mode, control_system, 3000) s = 0 index = 1 with open(os.path.join(directory, mode, ELEMENTS_FILENAME)) as elements: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(elements) for item in csv_reader: length = float(item['length']) cell = int(item['cell']) if item['cell'] else None e = element.Element(item['name'], length, item['type'], s, index, cell) e.add_to_family(item['type']) e.set_model(model.DeviceModel(), pytac.LIVE) lat.add_element(e) s += length index += 1 with open(os.path.join(directory, mode, DEVICES_FILENAME)) as devices: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(devices) for item in csv_reader: name = item['name'] get_pv = item['get_pv'] if item['get_pv'] else None set_pv = item['set_pv'] if item['set_pv'] else None pve = True d = device.Device(name, control_system, pve, get_pv, set_pv) lat[int(item['id']) - 1].add_device(item['field'], d, units.UnitConv()) with open(os.path.join(directory, mode, FAMILIES_FILENAME)) as families: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(families) for item in csv_reader: lat[int(item['id']) - 1].add_to_family(item['family']) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, mode, UNITCONV_FILENAME)): load_unitconv(directory, mode, lat) return lat