Source code for pytac.data_source

"""Module containing pytac data source classes."""
import pytac
from pytac.exceptions import (DataSourceException, FieldException,

[docs]class DataSource(object): """Abstract base class for element or lattice data sources. Typically an instance would represent hardware via a control system, or a simulation. **Attributes:** Attributes: units (str): pytac.PHYS or pytac.ENG. **Methods:** """
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get all the fields represented by this data source. Returns: iterable: all fields. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_value(self, field, handle, throw): """Get a value for a field. Args: field (str): field of the requested value. handle (str): pytac.RB or pytac.SP throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False None will be returned for any PV that fails and log a warning. Returns: float: value for specified field and handle. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_value(self, field, value, throw): """Set a value for a field. This is always set to pytac.SP, never pytac.RB. Args: field (str): field to set. value (float): value to set. throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False log a warning. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DataSourceManager(object): """Class that manages all the data sources and UnitConv objects associated with a lattice or element. It receives requests from a lattice or element object and directs them to the correct data source. The unit conversion objects for all fields are also held here. Attributes: default_units (str): Holds the current default unit type, pytac.PHYS or pytac.ENG, for an element or lattice. default_data_source (str): Holds the current default data source, pytac.LIVE or pytac.SIM, for an element or lattice. .. Private Attributes: _data_sources (dict): A dictionary of the data sources held. _uc (dict): A dictionary of the unit conversion objects for each key(field). **Methods:** """ def __init__(self): self._data_sources = {} self._uc = {} self.default_units = pytac.ENG self.default_data_source = pytac.LIVE
[docs] def set_data_source(self, data_source, data_source_type): """Add a data source to the manager. Args: data_source (DataSource): the data source to be set. data_source_type (str): the type of the data source being set pytac.LIVE or pytac.SIM. """ self._data_sources[data_source_type] = data_source
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get all the fields defined on the manager. Includes all fields defined by all data sources. Returns: dict: A dictionary of all the fields defined on the manager, separated by data source(key). """ fields = {} for data_source in self._data_sources: fields[data_source] = self._data_sources[data_source].get_fields() return fields
[docs] def add_device(self, field, device, uc): """Add device and unit conversion objects to a given field. A DeviceDataSource must be set before calling this method, this defaults to pytac.LIVE as that is the only data source that currently uses devices. Args: field (str): The key to store the unit conversion and device objects. device (Device): The device object used for this field. uc (UnitConv): The unit conversion object used for this field. Raises: DataSourceException: if no DeviceDataSource is set. """ try: self._data_sources[pytac.LIVE].add_device(field, device) self._uc[field] = uc except KeyError: raise DataSourceException("No device data source on manager {0}." .format(self))
[docs] def get_device(self, field): """Get the device for the given field. A DeviceDataSource must be set before calling this method, this defaults to pytac.LIVE as that is the only data source that currently uses devices. Args: field (str): The lookup key to find the device on the manager. Returns: Device: The device on the given field. Raises: DataSourceException: if no DeviceDataSource is set. """ try: return self._data_sources[pytac.LIVE].get_device(field) except KeyError: raise DataSourceException("No device data source on manager {0}." .format(self))
[docs] def get_unitconv(self, field): """Get the unit conversion option for the specified field. Args: field (str): The field associated with this conversion. Returns: UnitConv: The object associated with the specified field. Raises: FieldException: if no unit conversion object is present. """ try: return self._uc[field] except KeyError: raise FieldException("No unit conversion option for field {0} on " "manager {1}.".format(field, self))
[docs] def set_unitconv(self, field, uc): """set the unit conversion option for the specified field. Args: field (str): The field associated with this conversion. uc (UnitConv): The unit conversion object to be set. """ self._uc[field] = uc
[docs] def get_value(self, field, handle=pytac.RB, units=pytac.DEFAULT, data_source=pytac.DEFAULT, throw=True): """Get the value for a field. Returns the value of a field on the manager. This value is uniquely identified by a field and a handle. The returned value is either in engineering or physics units. The data_source flag returns either real or simulated values. If handle, units or data_source are not given then the lattice default values are used. Args: field (str): The requested field. handle (str): pytac.SP or pytac.RB. units (str): pytac.ENG or pytac.PHYS returned. data_source (str): pytac.LIVE or pytac.SIM. throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False None will be returned for any PV that fails and log a warning. Returns: float: The value of the requested field Raises: DataSourceException: if there is no data source on the given field. FieldException: if the manager does not have the specified field. """ if units == pytac.DEFAULT: units = self.default_units if data_source == pytac.DEFAULT: data_source = self.default_data_source try: data_source = self._data_sources[data_source] value = data_source.get_value(field, handle, throw) return self._uc[field].convert(value, origin=data_source.units, target=units) except KeyError: raise DataSourceException("No data source type {0} on manager {1}." .format(data_source, self)) except FieldException: raise FieldException("No field {0} on manager {1}.".format(field, self))
[docs] def set_value(self, field, value, handle=pytac.SP, units=pytac.DEFAULT, data_source=pytac.DEFAULT, throw=True): """Set the value for a field. This sets a value on the machine or the simulation. If handle,units or data_source are not given then the lattice default values are used. Args: field (str): The requested field. value (float): The value to set. handle (str): pytac.SP or pytac.RB. units (str): pytac.ENG or pytac.PHYS. data_source (str): pytac.LIVE or pytac.SIM. throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False log a warning. Raises: HandleException: if the specified handle is not pytac.SP. DataSourceException: if arguments are incorrect. FieldException: if the manager does not have the specified field. """ if units == pytac.DEFAULT: units = self.default_units if data_source == pytac.DEFAULT: data_source = self.default_data_source if handle != pytac.SP: raise HandleException("Must write using {0}.".format(pytac.SP)) try: data_source = self._data_sources[data_source] except KeyError: raise DataSourceException("No data source type {0} on manager {1}." .format(data_source, self)) try: value = self._uc[field].convert(value, origin=units, target=data_source.units) data_source.set_value(field, value, throw) except KeyError: raise FieldException("No field {0} on manager {1}.".format(field, self)) except FieldException: raise FieldException("No field {0} on manager {1}.".format(field, self))
[docs]class DeviceDataSource(DataSource): """Data source containing control system devices. **Attributes:** Attributes: units (str): pytac.ENG or pytac.PHYS, pytac.ENG by default. .. Private Attributes: _devices (dict): A dictionary of the devices for each key(field). **Methods:** """ def __init__(self): self._devices = {} self.units = pytac.ENG
[docs] def add_device(self, field, device): """Add device to this data_source. Args: field (str): field this device represents. device (Device): device object. """ self._devices[field] = device
[docs] def get_device(self, field): """Get device from the data_source. Args: field (str): field of the requested device. Returns: Device: The device of the specified field. Raises: FieldException: if the specified field doesn't exist on this data source. """ try: return self._devices[field] except KeyError: raise FieldException("No field {0} on data source {1}." .format(field, self))
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get all the fields from the data_source. Returns: list: list of strings of all the fields of the data_source. """ return self._devices.keys()
[docs] def get_value(self, field, handle, throw=True): """Get the value of a readback or setpoint PV for a field from the data_source. Args: field (str): field of the requested value. handle (str): pytac.RB or pytac.SP. throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False None will be returned for any PV that fails and log a warning. Returns: float: The value of the PV. Raises: FieldException: if the device does not have the specified field. """ try: return self._devices[field].get_value(handle, throw) except KeyError: raise FieldException("No field {0} on data source {1}." .format(field, self))
[docs] def set_value(self, field, value, throw=True): """Set the value of a readback or setpoint PV for a field from the data_source. Args: field (str): field for the requested value. value (float): The value to set on the PV. throw (bool): On failure, if True raise ControlSystemException, if False log a warning. Raises: FieldException: if the device does not have the specified field. """ try: self._devices[field].set_value(value, throw) except KeyError: raise FieldException("No field {0} on data source {1}." .format(field, self))